Early Bird Tickets Available Now – Sale Ends 30th April

Terms and conditions


We do not offer refunds, although you are welcome to transfer your ticket, providing you advise us in writing before the event. Email events@procopywriters.co.uk with any changes.


You can substitute delegates at any time – providing you let us know before the day. Email events@procopywriters.co.uk with any changes.

Schedule changes

We reserve the right to make changes to our schedule, including speakers, if required. We plan our conference many months in advance, so it’s not unusual for our speakers to change between first publication and the big day.

Coronavirus disruption

If Covid is a risk we may introduce additional measures to minimise the risk of spreading infection. We are determined to have a live conference, but in the event of a lockdown, or other significant threat, we may have to revert to a virtual event. If this happens we will aim to use ticket income to pay for the technology and personnel to create a virtual event.