Early Bird Tickets Available Now – Sale Ends 30th April

Neil Simpson

Digital Marketer

Following a 15-year career in professional dance, film and unprofessional comedy, Neil retired from performing in 2001 and has since spent over two decades bringing sensational innovation to businesses, helping them to grow by telling better stories about who they ACTUALLY are.

Based in Manchester, Neil specialises in digital marketing, ideation and innovation, assisting entrepreneurs to profit from their intellectual property, lived brand values and existing in-house genius.

He has worked with hundreds of clients of all sizes including British Telecom, and guest lectures at business schools across the North of England.

Neil was CEO of Storey Creative Industries Centre in Lancaster and has helped many businesses flourish in the UK and internationally.

He has won a national film-making award and is a published author and public speaker about branding, social media and how to build successful businesses from the inside out.

Not for the feint hearted*

Copy Con X

My Sessions

3rd October

The Humanity Advantage

AI is not the threat to professional copywriting that you may think it is. Ever-advancing technology provides skilled copywriters with a huge opportunity you may not have considered…up until now.

Full Details

Conference venue

Royal Northern College of Music

Manchester's RNCM is not just a leading international conservatoire – it's a lively music venue and a popular choice for professional conferences.

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