Jess does things with words.
She started off at The Writer in 2013. She consulted, trained, wrote, coached, named, facilitated, and tone-of-voiced for brands like Magnum, Sainsbury’s, Coutts and HSBC.
Then she went to Human After All to do more things with words. But while she was there, she realised she’d accidentally become a strategist too. So, as well as doing wordy things, she started strategising and partnering with designers, for brands like Google, HBO and Climate Group.
Now, she’s an Associate Creative Director. Words are still her specialism, but she spends most of her time bringing together teams of writers, strategists, animators and designers to work as one. Because she believes the best work comes from crafts collaborating.
She loves a chat.
She loves to ask questions.
So it’s only fitting that she’ll be hosting Copy Con’s first ever panel this year.