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Bethany Joy

Brand Voice Strategist

Bethany Joy is a freelance brand voice strategist, a handle she acknowledges is only slightly less wanky than ‘consultant’.

Before running her own business she spent a decade working in a variety of marketing, branding, and copywriting roles, which you’re welcome to read more about on LinkedIn if you’re one of the 0.00001% of humans who are genuinely interested in other people’s career histories.

Less pertinently – but perhaps more interestingly – she’s also a trained singer with secret dreams of a career crooning jazz standards in some smoky back bar in New York.

She loves the smell of coffee but hates the taste. And she’s terrified of sharks.

Copy Con X

My Sessions

Conference venue

Royal Northern College of Music

Manchester's RNCM is not just a leading international conservatoire – it's a lively music venue and a popular choice for professional conferences.

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