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Experience Day

Tactics: Copywriting Deconstructed

2nd October 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

10:00 – 11:00 | Session 1: Copy conversations

Let’s start with a chat. To help us get to know each other a little, spark some friendly debate, and maybe even break us out of our own copywriting echo chambers, we’ll take turns sharing…

  • the best/worst copy we’ve seen lately
  • our copywriting pet peeve e.g. mine would  be an overfamiliar tone
  • our biggest challenge as a copywriter

11:00-11:30 | Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30 | Session 2: Copy Close-Ups

We’ll look at a few pieces of copy and evaluate what’s going on in them:

  • Which copywriting techniques are being used?
  • Why were those tactics , and how does it relate to the brand’s strategy?
  • Which other tactics might work better?

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

13:30 – 14:30 | Session 3: Brief encounters

During this session, we’ll work through creative briefs in small groups – so that we can learn from how others approach their copywriting projects.

Here’s how it’ll work:

  1. I’ll share a selection of simple creative briefs
  2. You’ll choose your favourite
  3. We’ll work in a small groups to decide how best to tackle our briefs
  4. We’ll all share our insights and discoveries with the group

14:30 – 15:00 | Coffee break

15:00 – 16:00 | Get Sh*t Done X CopyCon

The two Experience Day tracks (Tactics and Strategy) merge for the final session. Rebecca Rowntree, hosting, is joined by trainers Lucinda Everett and Andi Jarvis for a chance to debrief, share insights, and seek answers to any burning questions from the day.

Conference venue

Royal Northern College of Music

Manchester's RNCM is not just a leading international conservatoire – it's a lively music venue and a popular choice for professional conferences.

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