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Conference Session

Strategy Vs Tactics: Which is More Important?

3rd October

Some debates seem never ending. Star Wars v Star Trek? Britney v Christina? Dogs v Cats?

In marketing circles we have our own industry debates that dominate conferences – digital v traditional? SEO v PPC? copywriter v ChatGPT, Radio v TV (for the older generation).

But the debate between Strategy v Tactics could well be the oldest of them all.

Strategists argue their skills are the most valuable while tacticians do all the real work and want to claim the credit.

But who is right?

In this session Andi will outline what the difference is between strategy and tactics, explain which one is more importanterer and why it matters to your day to day marketing activity.

Conference venue

Royal Northern College of Music

Manchester's RNCM is not just a leading international conservatoire – it's a lively music venue and a popular choice for professional conferences.

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